Getting to know me

I know that when you make a choice in representation, you are placing your business reputation in my hands. That is a weighty obligation and one that I will zealously protect. While I take our work together very seriously, I don’t take myself too seriously. Here are a few random facts about me that you might like to know:

  1. In 2nd Grade, i played the lead role in our class production of Old King Cole, that of course being, Old King Cole himself. To prepare I memorized every line of the play and recently unearthed video evidence confirm my lip syncing of all the parts.

  2. I hold US Patent 5342041 for a guiding system for athletes. This came out of an Invent America assignment for 8th Grade Science students across the US. I placed 2nd for the New England region, and rather than a trip to meet the President, I appeared on Bozo Clown before a live television audience. The invention was part of my plan to become an NBA star …

  3. I have seen Phish close to 100 times, catching 10 shows in December 1995, squeezed around High School classes and my work at KFC.

  4. I spent a few of my college Spring Breaks traveling up and down the East Coast with The Disco Biscuits in their green van.

  5. I still own my very first car, a 2000 Gray Ford Focus, that was a gift to myself for graduating college at the University of Maryland.

  6. I was once interviewed in the same New York Times article as Oprah. I still dispute the conclusions drawn in the article.


Rise/Come Together